Crafting Galactic Fashion

Virtual Tailoring for a Star Wars Captain

Embarking on a galactic Design Journey

In the vast universe of animation, each project presents a thrilling journey, just like the recent collaboration between Richard Roberts Studio and I. We embarked on the exciting mission of build a production model an outfit for a unique character set to dazzle Disneyland. But this was no ordinary character — it was a Star Wars Captain Riyola Keevan to be depicted as a 3D hologram at Disneyland.

Our partners in this project, Richard Roberts Studio, are a reputable production studio situated in the Pacific Northwest, USA. Their impressive portfolio in CGI, VFX, Pre-Visualization, Animation, and Concept Art speaks volumes of their abilities. Their ethos of agility, efficiency, and intimate client collaboration proved invaluable throughout our project.

Crafting the Captain's Outfit

Our shared task was to develop a static model of the captain's attire, working from a provided model and a set of detailed concept art. The project was a blend of creative inspiration and technological craftsmanship, characterized by an ongoing dialogue of progress updates and constructive feedback.

We were provided with 3D references for key components such as the hat and boots by Roberts, emphasizing the commitment to faithfully adhere to the concept art. This collaboration showcased our collective proficiency and adaptability in deploying cutting-edge CGI and design tools. We delivered high-caliber results within a swift week-long timeframe, demonstrating our capability to execute rapid turnarounds without sacrificing quality.

Tackling the Pleated Dress

The captain's pleated dress posed a specific challenge — achieving a precise fit, snug at the hips and gracefully flaring at the base, is always a tricky task in the garment design. However, with meticulous attention to detail and some deft digitailoring, we successfully replicated the pleats with convincing authenticity.

Embark on an exceptional journey aboard the Galactic Starcruiser at Disney's Hollywood Studios park, under the leadership of the intriguing Captain Keevan. Be prepared to unravel her captivating narrative and immerse yourself in an unprecedented adventure in the annals of Star Wars. Step into the intriguing world of Disneyland and be a part of this awe-inspiring epic tale.


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